What Can I Use Instead of Cotton Swabs? 

What Can I Use Instead of Cotton Swabs? 

Seamus Finley has had clogged ears for the majority of his life. He couldn’t wear earbuds because they would get dirty and wouldn’t fit properly in his ears. But it wasn’t until he awoke one morning unable to hear out of one ear that he considered consulting a medical professional.

A provider at a nearby urgent care center removed a buildup of earwax. Then, he says, the doctor told him, “you’ve got to keep up on this or it’s going to keep doing this.”

He now uses cotton swabs on a regular basis in the hopes of preventing another buildup, and while he still avoids earbuds, he can hear clearly and feels much less pressure in his ears.

Nonetheless, he, like many others, has heard that cotton swabs may cause more harm than good in the long run. He risks pushing the earwax deeper into his ear or damaging his eardrum.

How Earwax Builds Up

Cerumen, a substance excreted by cells that line our ear canals, is what we commonly refer to as “earwax.” Like all of our cells, these cells in our ear canals die and our bodies make new ones. As they die, they flake off and are pushed outward, “like a conveyor belt,” explains New York Audiologist Melissa Heche, AuD. Cerumen is carried by the cells as they move toward your outer ear and eventually flake off.

However, sometimes those cells end up producing cerumen faster than the cell turnover can get rid of it. That is when ear wax begins to accumulate. This can happen if you have hearing aids or earbuds in your ears, if you sleep on one side, or if the wind blows in your ears. Certain conditions, such as lupus, skin diseases like eczema, infections, and anatomical differences (smaller ear canal due to birth or injury), can make you more prone to earwax buildup.

Symptoms of Excess Earwax

When extra earwax starts to build up in your ears you may feel:

  • Itchiness Pressure
  • It’s as if your ear is clogged.
  • Hearing impairment
  • Sometimes, when there is a large amount of earwax, you may even experience hearing loss, like Finley did.

“I’ve had many people come into my office complaining about sudden hearing loss, and I look in their ears and see wax, and I take it out, and their hearing is restored like magic,” Heche says.

What You Can Do About Earwax at Home

If you begin to experience itchiness or pressure, you do not need to rush to the doctor. Some activities can be carried out at home.

  1. Make use of a warm washcloth
    You can wet a thin washcloth and wrap it around your pinky finger, rotating it back and forth inside your ear canal. Heche explains that your pinky is large enough that you won’t be able to get far enough into your ear to cause damage like you might with other items like pens or cotton swabs. According to Heche, doing so “can take out some of the excess wax on the outskirts of the ear canal and that helps move it forward.” She adds that you should avoid using dyed washcloths and try the technique while taking a hot shower, which softens the earwax.
  1. Use Ear Drops With Caution- Your local pharmacy is probably stocked with ear drops that claim to remove earwax or relieve itching. Many of them will dry out your ears, causing more itchiness, and may even make it more difficult for wax to exit your ear canal in the future. Heche recommends “Miracell ProEar,” a natural oil blend that hydrates rather than dries out the ear canal. According to Heche, this hydration helps smooth the path, making it easier to get rid of earwax naturally.
  2. In a Hurry, Use Hydrogen Peroxide on a Cotton Ball – A cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide and placed at the opening of your ear canal can aid in the breakdown of impacted (or pushed together), dense, and stuck earwax. However, Heche warns that this should not be done on a regular basis because hydrogen peroxide is very drying and “drying out the ear canal contributes to the whole issue of cerumen buildup.” Most ear drops contain hydrogen peroxide and work by drying out your ear, which is why Heche recommends only natural oils for regular use. Furthermore, hydrogen peroxide is available in a variety of concentrations. It is best to use one that has been diluted to a concentration of less than 10%. Before purchasing any over-the-counter treatments or supplements, check the labels for certifications that they have been tested for purity by a third party. Some supplements contain pharmaceutical drugs and other hazardous chemicals that are not listed on the labels.

What Not to Do To Remove Earwax

The side effects or risk accompanying many earwax treatments are far worse than the buildup itself. Understanding these impacts is important when weighing your options for any treatment.

  1. Avoid using cotton swabs.
    Cotton swabs, also known as Q-tips, are the number one enemy of audiologists like Heche and people who suffer from earwax buildup. Heche explains that instead of removing wax from your ear, they can push it further in. “It will either be difficult or painful to remove, or you will puncture your eardrum,” Heche explained.
  1. Remove the Candles
    Candling, according to Heche, is currently a fad in many spas. Simply insert a hollow candle into your ear, and the heat is supposed to loosen your earwax, allowing it to flow out easily. The problem, according to Heche, is that earwax isn’t actually wax. Cerumen is a substance composed of oil, water, and debris.

When to See a Doctor About Earwax

During any routine check-up, your primary care provider should inspect your ears for any buildup. If they do not, request that they do so. Many times, an earwax buildup will not cause any noticeable symptoms.

“If there is a constant buildup, the best person to remove it is either your general care practitioner, your ENT [ear, nose, and throat specialist], or your audiologist, who will either suction it out or use another tool to physically remove it,” Heche says.

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